Rhodo so thick its hard to see two people here. Most of the time we swam on top of it!
Gunter Fork Falls. Just above here is the Cascades. Just below is where the old RR grade comes in from the east.
Gunter Fork Falls. Just above here is the Cascades. Just below is where the old RR grade comes in from the east.
Walnut Bottoms. Check out that Byer of Maine "Parachute Traveler Hammock"
March 27-28 I went with some new friends up then down Gunter Fork. What a wilderness! We went up the trail to the Balsam Mountain trail then bushwhacked all the way down to the RR trestle ruins below the falls. We found lots of old lumbering material and the old RR grades. The upper part of the creek itself contains many sharp rocks rather than the normal round rocks in most of the Smokies streams. I gotta go fishing there sometime...in the upper part. A pretty falls and an incredible cascade are worth the trip too! I was trying to relocate a Cessna 150 that crashed in the 1960s. It is still there but I could not find it.